ITK, CCPA Group, Seenergi Group and Sofiprotéol: sharing a vision for MEDRIA
Located in Chateaubourg, in Brittany (France), MEDRIA is a specialist company in the development of monitoring and control tools for bovine health. The company designs, manufactures and sells sensors and related computing devices (such as Vel’Phone, HeatPhone, FeedPhone and San’Phone services), to be used in farms, worldwide.
On the 14th of October, 2016, the purchase of MEDRIA company was officially recorded, according to a partnership agreement between the following companies:
An international leader in decision-making tools dedicated so far to vegetal production, sees in the MEDRIA offer an interesting complementarity as for livestock breeding industry. « Our technologic know-how and our network of partners in R&D will assist the innovation process of MEDRIA » (Eric Jallas, itk President)
A recognized specialist in animal nutrition and health worlwide, sees in this strategic partnership the opportunity to develop innovative measure tools in order to increase farm efficiency and profitability. « Precision livestock farming is a strategic issue to drive more added value to the farmers and to our clients in the livestock sector » (Erwan Gilet, CCPA Group Director).
Grouping of 5 French regional leaders in dairy consulting and historical distributors of MEDRIA, sees in this project the possibility to take part to the development of new services for farmers. « Our skills in the field of animal health, nutrition and reproduction will support the R&D of MEDRIA » (Thierry Hulmer, Seenergi Group President)
AVRIL Group subsidiary, assists companies from agro-industrial and agrifood sectors through financing solutions tailored to each situation. « The acquisition of MEDRIA by the consortium is an opportunity to support the innovation and development of a digital agriculture to drive the competitiveness of livestock breeding sector» (Michel Boucly, Sofiprotéol Managing Director).
Through the complementarity between the partners, as for the business activities, the skills and the geographical areas, the shared ambition for MEDRIA is to bring new solutions of data analysis which will enable to improve technical and economic efficiency of farms, across the world.
Picture attached: The shareholders of MEDRIA (From left to right: Cyril MELIN, Sofiprotéol ; Erwan GILET, CCPA Group ; Philippe ROYER and Thierry HULMER, Seenergi Group, Eric JALLAS, itk).
For further information, please contact us :
Laïd HAFSSA, itk Commercial & Marketing Manager
Tel. : +33 (0)6 78 44 48 85
E-mail :
Caroline JUNOD, CCPA Group Marketing & Communication Manager
Tel. : +33 (0)2 99 47 53 60
E-mail :
Thierry HULMER, Seenergi Group President
Tel. : +33 (0)2 43 64 12 70
E-mail :
Tom DORON, Sofiprotéol Press Relations Manager
Tel. : +33 (0)1 78 14 80 09
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