Agricultural processing

Supporting the competitiveness of the French Farm by creating value within the territories and the sectors. At the same time, providing natural, innovative solutions adapted to industrial challenges and anticipating societal expectations. These are some of the objectives pursued by Sofiprotéol on a daily basis.

Agricultural processing serving our territories and French industrial leaders

We work closely with the main players in the primary processing of seeds, including crushing, meat processing, malting, and milling. Our activities are often part of territorial, multi-partner projects in support of agricultural groups and cooperatives.

Our objectives? Maintaining companies sustainable in these business lines, thereby ensuring a competitive local outlet for farmers and employment in the regions.

How? In particular by investing in industrial tools and developing new business lines with our partners.

Our history stems from the French agricultural sector, in particular the vegetable oil and protein sector. This is a field of activity that we have since expanded to include all field crops.

Why? In order to take into account the diversity of agricultural commodities that make up a farmer’s crop rotation!

Achieving the sustainability objectives of local industries sometimes requires federating the players around a single project. As an example, for the processing of field crop production such as oilseeds, wheat, and barley.

Our commitment towards a non-GMO soya sector of French origin:

Soya proteins are primarily used as feed for poultry and cattle. They are mainly imported. To reduce our dependence, in addition to the national availability of rapeseed and sunflower oilseed meal in particular, it’s necessary to produce soya locally. The latter presents several advantages: in addition to being made in France, it is guaranteed non-GMO and deforestation-free. Sofiprotéol thus participated in the capital of several crushing plants in France, such as Extrusel in Burgundy, Sojalim in the Southwest and Oleosyn Bio in New Aquitaine. The aim is to produce, from oilseeds, 100% French oils on the one hand, and, on the other, vegetable proteins to feed the animal sector.

Cyril Melin, Co-Head of Investment

Our support for Oleosyn Bio exemplifies our role in the federation of players in field crop production. This initiative enables us to reduce our national dependence on foreign imports, thus securing the supply of 100% French sunflower oilseed meal to the organic animal sector, including organic meat, dairy, and egg products. For Xavier Dorchies, Chief operating officer:

Supporting Oléosyn Bio by connecting Terrena and Sanders implies supporting innovation. It involves providing our partners with effective long-term solutions to address transitions. By fully exercising our role as an industry architect, by committing ourselves in a mutualized way, we contribute to increasing the competitiveness of the value chain and the French origin of the organic industry.

Xavier Dorchies, Chief operating officer

Our portfolio

59M€  Under management (31/12/2022)

They testify to our support

The integration of societal expectations as well as the desire to promote the sustainability of farms, and agricultural and industrial practices, deeply modifies the economic models of our different activities. We are very pleased by the long-term partnerships forged with our banking partners as well as with Sofiprotéol, and are convinced that they will enable us to accelerate the realization of our projects and support the evolution of our Group.

Patrick Grizou, President and Michel Clairefond, CEO, Terres du Sud

Your contacts at Sofiprotéol

Cyril Melin

Co-Head of Investment

Géraud Nolorgues

Junior Investment Officer

For further